Mainstage productions
Dionysus will produce an annual, full-length play. The company will aim to alternate comedy with drama, however, will not lock ourselves in to this given we are forever at the whim of director’s desires and Theatrical agents’ allowances…
There are no set rules or styles with these productions although the creative interpretation of an unimaginative space and an exploration of non-realism to present classic work in a modern and relevant way is certainly a trend.
Dionysus commits heavily to the playwright’s intentions, influences and the world in which their work was created and endeavours to place this in a bold and engaging context for our audience
Click the show posters for photo galleries

By Federico Garcia Lorca
Directed by Melanie Thomas
"Faith is the bird who feels the light when the dawn is still dark"
- Rabindranath Tagore
The Trojan Women
By Euripides
Directed by Emma Sproule
The award winning performance re-staged!
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Lenora Locatelli
"The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse"
The Trojan Women
By Euripides
Directed by Emma Sproule
"Lift up your head"
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Emma Sproule
"Behind every great man..."
By Aristophanes
Directed by Emma Sproule
"Hell hath no fury like a woman denied"
Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Emma Sproule
"For never was a story of more woe..."
"A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life"
Blood Wedding
By Federico Garcia Lorca
Directed by Emma Sproule
"Haven't I done the work of a man? If only I were a man!"
Exit The King
By Eugene Ionesco
Directed by Emma Sproule
"Long live the King?"